MOODLE Services

MOODLE is considered one of the most important and powerful modern e-learning systems, which have a large number of advantages and high capabilities in managing the educational process in all its forms.

more than 200000 E-learning website built by Moodle


  • It is considered one of the most important and powerful modern e-learning systems, which have a large number of advantages and high capabilities in managing the educational process in all its forms.
  • The MOODLE system is currently being used in more than 200,000 officially registered sites around the world.
  • The MOODLE system is very popular among programmers and companies, which has made it a large number of developers who have created additional ready-made tools (Plugin) to be added to it, which give it higher capabilities.
  • We use the MOODLE e-learning system with its latest updates, with the addition of some modifications and improvements as the customer deems appropriate, in addition to integrating it with a group of other programs to obtain an amazing end result and high usage.
  • Any customer who deals with us after the end of the contract between us and him can authorize any other party to manage his platform due to the widespread use of the Moodle system among companies.